At last I have recuperated sufficiently from the 2009 World Fantasy Con to report on it. That fact alone should tell you I had a great time. So much went on that I wish I could have split myself into three or four people to take advantage of everything.

The Con ran from 29 October to 1 November 2009 in San Jose, California, and I was impressed from the very beginning. Registration was organized and efficient—I love organization and efficiency, and they are usually all too lacking at Cons—and each registrant received a large bookbag stuffed full with magazines and books, many of them hardcovers. Wowie zowie! I collected more free publications at the giveaway table and came home with hundreds of dollars' worth of reading material.
Official events at WFC included an art show, a dealers' room whose vendors were primarily bookstores and publishers, a group autographing session, readings, panels, interviews, and a closing banquet followed by the World Fantasy Awards.
I sat on one panel, called "Writing Human Characters, Whether or Not They're Human," with David B. Coe, Kate Elliott, Laurel Ann Hill, and Kay Kenyon. According to the program description, we were to discuss "the challenges of writing relatable [sic] nonhuman characters in heroic and mythic fantasy...." In fact, though, we talked more about science fiction aliens than about vampires or other fantasy creatures.
The mass book signing was scheduled to last an exhausting three hours, but both autograph seekers and authors wandered away after about two hours. I talked to many people and sold and signed several books, so I consider the signing a success.
My goals for the conference were to network and to try not to buy too many books. I reluctantly skipped most of the panels and readings to go to parties and to hang out with my Clarion friends (which soon included the class of 2008) and their friends. Unlike RWA members at a conference, few WFC attendees had business cards. Thank goodness for Facebook! A flurry of "friending" after the Con means I'll remember names and faces for next year.
And yes, I do intend to go next year, when WFC lands in Columbus, Ohio, over Halloween weekend, and not only because I can visit my family in nearby Beavercreek. I'm already planning what to do differently to get even more value from the Con. Number 1 on the list: Get more sleep before and during the Con. This year, I was Zombie Woman by the end of the first day.
Think you might want to go to World Fantasy Con? Check out my brief post at the NovelSpaces blog on why you should attend next year.
Of course, the one thing that stuck out to me was the fact that you got a bag of hardback books. Lucky you! The networking and selling books at the book signing runs a close second. :) Great to heard that WFC was such a success!
I went to one WFC many years ago and it was much as you described. Really enjoyed it. I'll have to try to get to another.
If airfare were a little cheaper or my pockets a little deeper... :)
It is certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thank you for it. I like such topics and anything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more on that blog soon.
OMG, Shauna- you'll be in my neck of the woods next year! That's great news. I'll finally get to meet you in person. Sounds like you had loads of fun and a great time overall. Count me in next go around.
FARRAH, the bag of books was one of the reasons I signed up to go to WFC!
CHARLES, I liked WFC better than any other Con I've been to. I'm sure you and Lana would have fun going again.
STEVE, it's supposedly an international Con, so perhaps one day it will be in your neck of the woods.
RICK, that's great! Yet another reason to make sure I go to next year's WFC. It will be fun to meet you in person.
Sounds like so much fun. I'll really have to get to a biggun like that someday...
LANA, unfortunately, I forgot to go to the art show until it was over and being packed up, but I heard it was good. That would be another draw for you, either as enjoyer of art or purveyor.
Shauna, it sounds like a great conference. I'm so glad the booksigning went well. Any time a conference attendee leaves the conference planning to attend next year, it's a good endorsement.
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