In my story, Pueblo Indians who had left Earth in tears 50 years earlier to build a moon colony for another tribe now want to stay on the moon and have to figure out how to do so.
Return to Luna will be available online at a discount at Hadley Rille Books and at full price at Amazon.com.
CONTEST: One person will be drawn at random to win the book from those who comment on this post. To enter, post a comment that includes one essential you would take to the moon. The ten entries I enjoy the most will be entered twice. The contest ends by December 13 (a week from today) at 11:59 pm Pacific time.
That's great, congrats!
Humm. If I were going to the moon, I'd take a set of those spring-shoes. [grin] You know, the ones that used to be in the Sears toy catalog around this time every year? 'Cause seriously, how awesome would they be to use On The Moon?! :D
I doubt I know enough to know what I'd actually bring, but for contest's sake I'll say some magnets & copper coils, 'cuz I'm SERIOUSLY addicted to electricity at this point.
A thousand apologies--how rude of me! Congratulations on the publication! :)
ANGIE, that sounds like lots of fun!
LANA, thanks. I don't know enough about electricity to know--what would you do with that equipment?
Congratulations on the publication! And what an interesting premise. I'll have to check that book out.
That's very cool. Congratulations. That's a nice publication.
If I were going to the moon I'd take some kind of electronic book reader with as many downloads of old novels as I could stuff it full of.
Congratulations! I look forward to reading your story. One thing -- that's tough, but I think it would have to be music. I'd bring an iPod loaded up with as much music as it would hold.
First off congrats. Second, what to take? The writer in me wants to say pen and paper, but then I get to thinking. I'll need something to eat or I won't have strength to write. Si I could say a mating pair of bovines to breed me up a lifetime of burgers. but then I'd have to worry about feeding them since rangeland is bound to be scarce on the moon.
So I'll settle for a deck of cards. That way I can start poker games with my other lunar dwellers and maybe I can win other's essential items and become a dandy moon gambler with a styling mustache like those slick fellers who used to work the mighty Mississippi.
BARBARA, thanks!
CHARLES, I don't see much point in going anywhere without some books along for company.
I wouldn't want to be on the moon with music, either, LISA.
TRAVIS, that's real smart thinking.
Hello Shauna! Heartfelt congratulations on your short story. I'll be sure to buy a copy, and I so very much look forward to reading it.
I love the life-on-the-moon story topic. Coincidentally, the first short story I ever wrote was one that was modeled on one of Heinlein's moon colony stories.
If I were going to stay on the moon for a while, I'd need a good supply of popcorn.
Shauna, congratulations on the publication of your short story. Your fiction writing resume is growing.
I love the story Shauna!
The one thing that I would take with me to the moon would be my infra-red sauna so I'd never get cold! :)
Yay,Shauna!!! I'm so excited that others will get to read the story!
The onle thing I'd take to the moon would be my favorite book, Paradise by Judith McNaught.
RICK, thanks for your support!
THERESE, I never knew you had dabbled in sf. I wonder whether the lower gravity on the moon would affect the popping of popcorn?
Thanks, RAE ANN!
LAURIE, with that infrared sauna you would surely be the most popular person on the moon.
FARRAH, I've never read Paradise. Maybe you'll let me borrow it if we're on the moon together.
Huh. I wouldn't think the gravity would have much of an effect, but the much lower (like close to zero) pressure probably would. I think. [squint/cogitate]
Congratulations! Your story sounds cool!
CONTEST WINNER. Congratulations, FARRAH ROCHON! You won a copy of Return to Luna in last week's contest.
ANGIE, you may be right. I did a Google search, but could not find an answer.
CARLEEN, thanks!
Obviously the next set of astronauts to go to the moon will have to try making popcorn. :D
That story sounds interesting!
ANGIE, we need to send NASA a letter about the importance of such a study.
STEVE, thanks.
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