Jade Lee's newest historical romance novel, The Dragon Earl (Leisure Books, Dorchester), is a Regency with a twist: The hero was stranded in China as a boy and has trained to be a Buddhist monk. The heroine meets him when he interrupts her wedding, claiming to be the earl she is supposed to be marrying. Earlier this year, Jade published Dragonborn (Love Spell), the first in a new paranormal romance series, and The Tao of Sex (Harlequin Blaze). Her first books were published under the name Katherine Greyle.
Welcome to my blog, Jade, congratulations on your recent books and new series. Thank you also for giving away a book to one of my blog readers.
In 2003, when you decided to reinvent yourself as Jade Lee, what were your goals?

And, btw, anyone looking to find a pen name: Google it first! Yeah, Google wasn't so big when I started Jade Lee, so I forgot to check on the Internet for it. Jade Lee is the name of a very big porn star. No lie. That's why my Website is www.jadeleeauthor.com.
Most of your recent books take place in China or have a character from China. Did you need to persuade your editor to let you set a book outside the traditional historical romance locales?
Actually, I never intended to leave Regency England. Love it there (and am very glad to return in The Dragon Earl). But my editor heard me talking about my grandmother's funeral in Hong Kong. It was a bizarre experience because of some of the wacky traditions my senile grandmother wanted (such as forty-nine days of crying and an auspicious burial date . . . which was three weeks away . . . in August . . . in Hong Kong. Hard to keep a body on ice that long!). Anyway, Chris Keeslar (editor extraordinaire) wanted me to explore writing in a Chinese setting. I was resistant. I'm both Chinese and American (Indiana Hoosier, on my father's side). In my mindset from childhood, Americans stood up and were counted; Chinese girls sat down, stayed silent, and looked pretty. I failed on all three Chinese counts, so why would I want to explore that repressive, horrible society?
Turns out, my Chinese heritage is so much more interesting than I ever imagined. And that whole repressive aspect actually made the exploration of sensuality with the Tigresses all that more interesting. I just had to try! Push past my comfort zone. Talk to my mother! So, the Tigress series was born. And then it turns out that there's a lot more to explore. Go figure! Someone should have told me that China has a vast and diverse history! Oh, wait, maybe my mother did . . . .
With The Dragon Earl, you return to the Regency romances you wrote as Katherine Greyle. Was that because you missed writing about England or for some other reason?

Your Tigress series of historical romances explores the Dragon-Tigress religious sect in old China. Could you explain briefly what this sect is and why it fascinates you?
Because tantrics are fun! The Tigress sect actually exists. There's even a temple now in California. The following is a huge simplification, but here goes:
All Buddhists are looking to elevate their spirits to merge with the Great One (my name for it, btw). Traditional Buddhists do this by living pure lives, dropping away the yuck, and hoping to elevate their spirit through meditation. The fighting Buddhists use the discipline of martial arts to help elevate their spirit. The tantrics (and tigresses/dragons) use the excitement of sex to elevate their spirit.
Cool, huh? Now put what we might call a sex cult into that repressive Chinese society, and you've got a ripe field for conflict. Also remember that even well past the Victorian age, many Chinese people were taught that the whites were a kind of monkey. They didn't even realize the whites had names for "father," "mother," "sister," or "brother" because monkey colonies appear to be big communes. So . . . imagine the fun of having a white woman convince a Chinese man that she is more than a monkey. She's actually his equal! And that doesn't even begin to address the prejudices on the English side regarding the Chinese. All this gave me a very rich field in which to play!
Most of your books have required substantial research. Were you able to research your Tigress books here, or did you need to go to China? Do you have any suggestions for efficient research?
I've been to China many times, so I didn't need to go again. And I had my mother right here in the US to ask questions about Shanghai. She grew up there. But, of course, she didn't know about the tigress cult, so that I had to research. In fact, the whole concept came when I was wandering through a museum bookstore. Hsi Lai's book The Sexual Teachings of the White Tigress literally fell on my foot. I picked it up and the rest is history!
What advice would you give to aspiring authors?
I have two pieces of advice for new writers:
- It's a marathon, not a sprint. Get a writing habit and stick to it. Eventually you will break in!
- How do you become a writer? Just sit down and write. Just write . . . every day.
How do you write so many books a year?
Caffeine. Plus the daily habit. Yes, daily, even weekends. There is no magic bullet except to write, to learn, and to write some more. Eventually you'll pick up techniques that speed the process, you'll learn ways to build conflict quickly and sustain it better, and your strengths will get stronger, your weaknesses fade away, and then you will be able to leap tall editor piles in a single bound!
The Dragon Earl ends with a satisfying resolution for the hero and heroine, but loose ends still dangle for a couple of the other characters. Are you planning any sequels?
Oh yes! I'll get to Christopher's story for The Dragon Earl soon! No title yet, but it's coming!
Thank you, Jade, for visiting my blog today to talk about writing and your new books.
It was great fun! Thanks for having me!

Jade may be dropping by during the day, so feel free to leave questions for her.
Now for the contest: Post a response to this blog by 11:50 pm Pacific time on Sunday, 5 October, and you will be entered to win your choice of The Dragon Earl (historical romance set in England in the Regency period) or Dragonborn (fantasy romance), courtesy of Jade Lee. Thanks, Jade!
Learn more about Jade and her books at her Website at http://www.jadeleeauthor.com/ and her blog at http://www.jadeleeauthor.com/blogger/. Her book The Dragon Earl is available at all major bookstores and can be ordered online from Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, and Borders.
Great News
Carleen Brice, whom I interviewed here in March about her debut novel Orange Mint and Honey, was honored as Breakout Author of the Year at the African American Literary Awards Show. Way to go, Carleen!
Wow...I just checked to see that my interview was up, popped down and say Mingmei's interview and just ordered the book! What a fascinating story!
Fascinating about the Tigress sect. I'm going to try to read more about this. That's pretty funny about Jade Lee (author). Good idea to google any pen name one might use.
Enjoyable interview, as always.
Yes, congrats to Carleen.
Another fantastic interview! I agree that the tigress cult is fascinating, as well as the old Chinese belief that whites were some kind of monkey. Yes, I can see how either of those would definitely add conflict to any story. :-)
Great job, Shauna and Jade!
What an interesting interview. You learn something new everyday.
JADE, glad you found a new author you weren't familiar with.
CHARLES, thanks. Finding out about things such as the tigress cult is one of the reasons I love historical novels. It's not something that would come up in conversation with a friend or at a party.
MICHELE, when my husband was in Korea this summer, a little girl walked up to him and touched the thick hair on his arms. If she didn't already believe whites were monkeys, she may now.
Thanks, BETH, and thanks for dropping by.
Actually, you'd be surprised what comes up in conversations with me! My (teenaged) children are appalled by what I'll talk about! *grin*
JADE, remind me at the next RWA meeting to buy you a drink. Sounds as if I could learn all sorts of interesting things.
I really enjoy books that teach me more about different cultures, beliefs, and traditions. And I wish I could be at that drinking session!
Another great interview and terrific, no nonsense writing advice! I've Googled my name and there are several of us, but no porn stars!
Great interview. And great to hear the advice for new writers. I like the idea of the marathon. It is so much more appealing than trudging along.
Congratulations to Carleen on the fabulous award.
Shauna, this was a fascinating post. I had never heard of the Tigress sect, so you've added several new books to my reading list. Jade Lee is an interesting woman indeed.
Wonderful interview. I am still enjoying the Tigress series, but I look forward to exploring the fantasy work once I'm finished. Being autistic, I tend to hyperfocus. LOL Jade is a fine writer. I learn more with every book.
Nice interview. It's always interesting to see how writers work and get advice from them.
ROZ, I'm with you on liking books that teach me new things. Sometimes I think historical fiction should be categorized with speculative fiction, because both create that sense of wonder.
LISA, many years ago, the first time I Googled myself, I discovered that I, too, had a porn star double. Luckily, the career span of a porn star is much shorter than that of a writer, and her name no longer shows up near the top when I Google me.
RAE ANN, thanks. "Marathon" probably sounds better because it implies an end.
RICK, thanks for stopping by. I love how I learn interesting things about authors with these interviews, even when I've known the author for years.
E.M., I hyperfocus too, even though I'm not autistic. I blame it on having OCD tendencies. [g] Jade's new fantasy world contains interesting surprises; I think you'll enjoy it.
Thanks, SCOTT. If you check out my previous author interviews, you'll find an amazing array of working methods described.
hum, I'm rather bummed. No porn star for my name. But there is some psycho dude in california who committed a crime, and there's a judge guy.
I amended my post to include your contest. I just forgot since I visited here yesterday. My memory is short indeed.
Very interesting interview. I'm intrigued by the China setting.
Hey thanks Shauna! Ironically, this is the 2nd story I've heard today of a writer ending up w/the same pen name as a porn star. Have porn stars have taken all the good names?!
Wonderful interview! It's great to see a fellow Dorchester author on your blog, Shauna. I absolutely loved Jade Lee's The Tao of Sex. It was expertly, tastefully done. A great lesson in certain...umm...aspects of eastern culture.
My name isn't a porn star either, but there is someone else with the same name. I love the Tigress cult idea. Too cool.
Wow, I leave for a day and look at all the comments that show up! Great to hear from all of you!
And on a completely different topic...how do I pick one of you to send a free book to? Ideas?
SIDNEY, thanks. I agree that the China setting is intriguing.
Congrats again, CARLEEN. I'm not sure what it is with the porn star name twins.
Glad you enjoyed the interview, FARRAH. I read the teaser for The Tao of Sex at Jade's blog and now I'm thinking I'll need to get that one too.
VIRGINIA LADY, thanks for visiting my blog. I have at least three other Google name twins. One is a surgeon, one is a dance teacher, and one is a bird expert. Those ones, at least, I wouldn't be embarrassed to be confused with.
JADE, I had planned to choose the winner by having my husband pick a name from a hat, but if you'd like to pick someone yourself, you're welcome to.
You get such cool interviews! THanks again!
SHAUNA -- you go girl! I can never pick winners. So pull out that hat and your husband then email me with the winners email. I'll go from there! (Unless you have the winners snail mail address too!)
Fun interview! I've met Jade Lee a few times. She has so much energy!
STEVE, glad you enjoyed it!
JADE and everyone else, the winner is Scott Hall of Blog of the Beast, who chose Dragonborn as his prize.
BARRIE, I'd love to have some of that energy. It would certainly make life a lot easier.
Energy? No, no, you still don't understand? It's COFFEE! LATTES! CHOCOLATE!!!! Anyone can have the energy I do! Just drink/eat it! *grin*
Seriously, it's been fabulous blogging with you all. And Scott, your book goes in the mail today!
And anyone who wants to keep chatting with me, feel free to email me at jade@jadeleeauthor.com
JADE, you must have a stomach of iron. I, unfortunately, have a stomach of tissue paper. :-(
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