49th birthday: spent on evacuation from Hurricane Katrina
50th birthday: spent putting our house and lives back together after Hurricane Katrina
51st birthday: spent in an empty house in California, where we moved to get away from hurricanes
52nd birthday: furnished house! no hurricane! hurrah!
To celebrate the unusual event of having a normal birthday, I’m taking the day off to refill my well (for you non-writers, that means relaxing and reading) and to rejoice in the benefits of being 52: no need to look for Prince Charming (already found him), no angst over what to do with my life (write), and toughened up enough by life to withstand whatever the future brings.

historical fiction author Mingmei Yip:
coming soon
historical romance writer Jade Lee:
coming soon
fiction writer Amy MacKinnon:
historical romance writer Lynna Banning:
mystery writer Ed Lynskey:
mystery writer June Shaw:
fiction writer Carleen Brice:
fiction writer Therese Fowler:
historical romance writer Jennifer Blake:
romance writer Hailey North:
historical mystery writer Laura Joh Rowland:
humorist Christee Gabour Atwood:
historical mystery writer Candice Proctor:
speculative fiction writer Charles Gramlich:
romance writer Farrah Rochon:
Want to win a book? Ask a question. Answer a question. Tell me what you think about getting older. Tell me why you like (or dislike) your current age. Even type your name. Any comment will enter you in the contest.
And now, please excuse me while I retire to my reading nook with a cup of tea and a book.
In some ways I'm glad to be older. Nice to not worry so much about teenage angst and all that emotional stuff that used to keep me wound up tight. On the other hand, I don't like the steady accumulation of aches and pains that seem to have come my way in the last few years.
Happy birthday! It's funny- ever since I got married, I've noticed a huge increase in productivity. Like, now that there's no interest in finding someone, all that brain space is freed up. :) Not so much an age issue as it is a phase of life issue.
28? Very annoying. Too old to be young and wild, too young to be taken seriously. Since I can't go back, I'm looking forward to 30. :)
Happy birthday! Normal is good -- so is being in a good, "settled" phase of life!
Happy Birthday and what a wonderful contest! You're a class act, Shauna!!
This is the 1st year I've really begun to feel my age, but I still can't say I don't like getting older. It just whips the hell out of the alternative.
Happy birthday and congrats on actually getting to celebrate it.
Happy Birthday, Shauna!
I'm off to listen to the Wireless and tell young people stories about the days when beer was served in a bucket.
Happy Birthday!!! Here's to refilling the well! (And many, many, many more!)
Glad to have you out here in California... :-)
Happy Birthday Shauna! I hope you are having a wonderful, relaxing day.
A very Happy Birthday to you! I turned 47 in July and life just gets better all the time. Since I still feel somewhere around 30 in my head, my body continues to surprise and amuse me with evidence to the contrary. Some days I feel like I'm in one of those body swapping Disney movies. Now let me go find those new drugstore reading glasses I just bought so I can curl up with a good book ;)
I'll turn 57 on November 30 and will once again get to be reminded that Mark Twain, Jonathan Swift, Winston Churchill, Sir Philip Sidney, L.M Montgomery--the list goes on--were all Nov. 30 babies. While I'll never join their ranks (execpt as one who shares their birthday), at least I'm still writing.
All the best on your 52nd.
CHARLES, yes, isn't it amazing what one considered a big deal as a teenager?
WORD VIXEN, I found 28 a very annoying age, too, for the same reason of not being taken seriously. It didn't help that I looked a lot younger than 28, either.
YOGAMUM, CARLEEN, TRAVIS, STEVE M., MICHELE, RAE ANN, LISA,, and STEVE, thanks for the birthday wishes. I had a wonderful, relaxing birthday.
STEVE M., don't forget to tell the part about walking five miles to school in the snow uphill in both directions.
57-year-old STEVE, everyone leaves a mark in their own way. With your writing, you can touch people who never will read the "antique guys" and will think you're the greatest. Hope your 57th year is productive and fulfilling.
Happy birthday! (Please discount me from the contest, as I'm already wayyy behind in reading & doubt I'll even catch up any time soon. Just too much art stuff going on these days!)
Thanks, LANA! Glad to hear you are finding lots of time to spend on your art.
Holy cow! I NEVER would have guessed your age. It must be all that good hurricane air. Hope you have a great day!
Congratulations, Shauna! On your birthday, and on winning a book. :)
If you email your mailing address, I'll send the book out Saturday.
(And I get you on the looking younger- I used to look older, but since I married a man 12 years older than me, I look even younger by comparison.)
Happy belated birthday, Shauan! I saw it on my fabulous calendar before packing it, and still forgot to send you birthday greetings.
Many of my friends told me I'd love turning 30, but I didn't believe them, being such a kid a heart. I've discovered at 31 that I can still be a kid, but I no longer care about what others think or say about me. :)
The one thing I dislike is that any weight I put on seems to go straight to my stomach.
Thanks, BETH! At least all that humidity in Louisiana is good for something.
Double thanks, WORDVIXEN! And I hope looking younger wasn't the reason you married your husband. ;-)
FARRAH, if you think that pounds-on-the-stomach is bad after 30, just wait 15 years! I'm glad you're enjoying your thirties.
Glad you didn't have to deal with another hurricane. They just keep building them bigger and stronger it seems.
That's for sure, SIDNEY! I never thought I'd see the day when my family in Ohio would be hit by a hurricane.
Congratulations, CONTEST WINNERS!
The winners of my birthday blast contest are MICHELLE CWIERTY and RAE ANN PARKER. Congratulations!
Choose any book (not just the featured book) available at Amazon.com by any of the authors I've posted interviews with or will post one with soon (see list), and I'll get it out to you this week.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Belated of course, but I am so glad to hear that you had a wonderful one sweetie!
I am getting this page connected correctly on my page.
Gentle Hugs,
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