Ed Lynskey’s mystery novels fall into a genre of their own, Appalachian noir. His fourth novel—and the third in his series about hard-boiled private eye Frank Johnson—is Pelham Fell Here, published in June 2008 by Mundania Press. In this novel, Frank investigates the murder of his cousin to prove his own innocence after he becomes the prime suspect in the death.
Ed, thank you for visiting my blog today for an interview, and congratulations on the publication of Pelham Fell Here.

I mixed in more back story in Pelham and toned down the action sequences and wove in a romance thread. Readers seem to cotton to a likable hero (though he’s flawed, too) to cheer on as well as a couple of love interests.
Appalachia has a culture and mindset all its own. You’ve spent much of your life in Washington, D.C. I’m curious how you went about researching Appalachia and particularly how you learned to recreate the speech patterns and rhythms.
I agree that Appalachia is a unique place. I was bred in the hilly Piedmont on the doorstep to the Blue Ridge mountains. This orients my worldview. Only a few years ago did I relocate to the Washington, D.C., metro area. You’re spot on about the research. I rely on the Internet and Google to do research on various Websites.
A sure, deft sense of dialog is something I labor over. I email experts in their fields, asking too many questions, I’m sure. For instance, Frank is a bluegrass music fan. For The Blue Cheer I contacted several sources to incorporate some musicians native to West Virginia.
Do you agree with the label “Appalachian noir”? How would you define it?
The first time I saw the label was in the dustjacket blurb John Lescroart gave my 2007 mystery The Blue Cheer, set in mountainous West Virginia. I’m okay with any of my books being called “Appalachian noir.” I love the area. But I’m not sure I can offer a viable definition of “Appalachian noir.”

I guess the noir mood emerges in the fatalistic attitude, stubborn independence, and edgy voice that writers use. A slate of Appalachian writers might include Pickney Benedict, William Gay, Daniel Woodrell, and Breece Pancake.
But then, are private detective novels like I write really noir or noirish? I don’t know. Arguments I’ve seen can go either way. Certain aspects such as the tone, pace, and setting strike me as pretty much the same. Anyway, I use the pulp noir masters such as Gil Brewer, Charles Williams, and Ed Lacy as a baseline or blueprint. Then I add a twenty-first century bent and use my own voice.
I’m not a noir fan myself. Yet the genre seems to be alive and thriving and even cross-pollinating other genres, such as science fiction. What do believe accounts for the genre’s appeal?
I’m not a real authority on noir. I write in several genres (crime fiction, literary, some speculative) with a lot of blurring between them. So, this is my personal take on noir.
Violence, conflict, and other dark forces are at work in a noir, but the predestined bad outcome dooms the protagonist from the get-go. In other words, the protagonist is screwed from page one. No matter what he or she does, they can’t find a way out, and things just go from bad to worse. Given the present world stage filled with its war and uncertainty, noir strikes me as a natural fit.
But a true noir’s nihilistic view is too restrictive and one dimensional for me. I prefer to see redemption, or at least the possibility of redemption, stitched into the narrative’s fabric.
Not every story has to end on a bleak, enraged, or gory note. In fact, many such endings to me are hollow cop outs. You know, the writer doesn’t have a skillful way to close out the third act, so they kill off everybody. What’s really amazing is when a first-person narrative has the main character die at the end. I guess their ghost is who’s been telling us the story.

Some people write novels and wonder how anyone could compress a story into a few pages, while others write short stories and wonder how anyone could write something as long as a novel. You seem to easily do both, having written hundreds of short stories, many featuring P.I. Frank Johnson. How do you go back and forth? Do you approach short stories and novels differently?
Well, actually, I cut my fiction teeth on writing the short stories. Then I graduated to producing the novels. Novels have been my major focus for a few years. On occasion, I’ll dip back into a short story.
Neither form comes easy to me.
I’m doing the edits on a short story collection now (A Clear Path to Cross, Ramble House, 2008) of my lady P.I. Sharon Knowles. All but one story previously appeared either online or in print. My rereading them leaves me mulling over whether short stories can really deliver the dramatic goods to make for entertaining fiction.
Which do you prefer, writing short stories or writing novels? Why?
Nowadays, the time crunch is really the driver for which one I write. If I have a short slot open, I’ll try writing a story. If I have a week with more time available, I’ll work on a novel. Writing and revising novels, I’ve found, requires multiple revisions and sizable blocks of time.
Look, with a novel you go back and beef up or trim down things like back story, scenes, and character development. A lot of novels I review nowadays are thin on these elements. My suspicion is the writer didn’t follow through on the revision process.
Anyway, my point is doing revisions of novels eats up gobs of time, and none of us is getting any younger. A short story, on the other hand, can be worked in its entirety with each sitting.
What is your writing regimen? Would you recommend it to aspiring authors?
One thing I shoot for each day is to ink some new words on current projects. Some writers prefer to ride the dawn patrol, and others are night owls. I’m definitely the former, when my eyes and brain are the brightest and freshest. Use whatever works for you. I like to work in different places and not be chained to the same desk or work station.
I guess writing classes and critique groups are good things, but again, there’s the time issue. Is your time better spent working on your stuff or learning from experienced teachers and writers? I guess it’s a balancing act.
Do you have any advice for my readers who are working on their first novels?
First novels are a gas. You’ve just dived into the creative process, and it’s like being given a blank coloring book and a carton of crayons. Have at it and enjoy the ride.
I don’t usually outline but that’s changed. If you’re writing a linear noir using a few characters, you can probably do it without a map. More complex plots with a larger cast of characters get tangled up in my analog brain. But then the mighty Faulkner outlined the plots to A Fable on his office walls at Rowan Oaks (I believe you can still see the outlines).
Then you’ll hear from the readers and critics all the things you screwed up and maybe a few compliments. I’d listen to it, and maybe change something, if it makes sense to you. After all, the book is your baby, warts and all, to do with as you see fit. The book has your name on the front cover.
Thank you again, Ed, for visiting my blog to talk about Pelham Fell Here.
Shauna, thank you so much for your slate of engaging, insightful questions. I appreciate your having me aboard your blog to say a few words. I hope your readers enjoy something. I know I did by my participating here.
For more information, visit Ed Lynskey’s Website and his blog. His book Pelham Fell Here, published by Mundania Press, is available online at Barnes & Noble and the Mundania Website.
What a fabulous interview! Again, you've asked insightful questions and Ed has provided us with some very thoughtful answers. Great interview, great advice and Appalachian Noir sounds very intriguing.
Another great interview! Thank you so much for this, Shauna. And you too, Ed!
Some very down to earth advice. I enjoyed this a lot and will be mulling it over for a while. I'm disappointed to hear that Noir has reached it's peak. I find books with that label very good, especially when there is a combination of genre elements.
LISA, STEVE, and CHARLES, glad you enjoyed the interview. After looking at the map of Appalachia, I realized what a large section of the country Appalachia is, yet it's disproportionately underrepresented in literature.
CHARLES, I suspect that noir will continue in spec fic for a while yet; dark, moody books seem to be increasing in popularity.
Thanks for your great words, Lisa, Steve, and Charles. Thank you Shauna for inviting on your blog project. It's been fun and appreciated.
Charles, I believe that the niche readership for noir is strong as ever. It's just been my experience that noir isn't "hot" like it once was. I agree with Shauna that the grittier books are still popular.
Ed Lynskey
Thank you for a very interesting interview, Shauna & Ed. I did not realize that Appalachia covered such a large region. I am interested in learning more about the area now that I am in TN. It seems like a very colorful area to set a book.
Wow, fantastic interview. Thank you, Shauna and Ed. This gave me a chance to learn more about a genre (and region) with which I'm not as familiar; I'm definitely going to check out Pelham Fell Here.
That sounds very good. Makes me want to read some of those stories.
Thanks, RAE ANN. If you haven't been to Dollywood yet, that may be a place to start learning about Appalachia. Yes, it's a huge, crowded tourist trap, but Parton built it for people to learn about the people and crafts of her home area.
MICHELE, glad you liked it. Isn't it exciting to learn about whole new genres you've never read in?
SIDNEY, maybe Ed will stop back by and tell us where his short stories can be found.
Thanks for your good comments and your interest, Rae Ann, Michelle, and Sidney. Much appreciated.
We've enjoyed our stays in Gatlinburg, TN, and my hiking on the Appalachian Trail there years ago in the Smoky Mountains was an unforgettable experience.
My P.I. Frank Johnson stories are in an e-book titled OUT OF TOWN A FEW DAYS, on Fictionwise and Amazon (as a Kindle). Thanks for asking, Shauna.
Ed Lynskey
Thanks for sharing yet another well done interview!
Good interview. I love the idea of Appalachian Noir. These days, with so much of our life being homogenized, it's good to feel or taste a difference. Especially when that difference comes through in literary expression.
Thanks, LANA. I'm glad nonwriters enjoy them even though I aim them at writers.
STEWART, I agree 100%. You articulated something that was swimming amorphous in my brain. Local flavor, except in a few places such as New Orleans, has become something one has to seek out.
Totally off topic, but what a great picture of you! Just as pretty as real life!!
CARLEEN! Glad to have you back from your blogless month, and thanks about the picture. It seemed silly to have a picture of me in a winter jacket when I now live in Southern California, and I've been waiting for a decent picture of me so I could replace it. You know how photographs are: If you look ok, the picture's too dark. If the light's right, your eyes are closed or you've got spinach on your teeth or something. My husband snapped this one at a booksigning Saturday.
Great interview, Shauna!
Thanks, HOLLY, and thanks for stopping by.
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